You Asked, We Listened! Introducing SharePoint and Wrike | Blog Wrike

The global pandemic has increased demand for work management and collaboration solutions, a market that was set to double by 2023. These digital tools have become essential in supporting enterprises to succeed in the remote work environment.  

Work management solutions help create a collaborative digital workspace, but increasing tools and broadening access to cloud-based systems shouldn’t complicate your existing processes. 

Collaboration tools should expand productivity, simplify workflows, and make the digital workplace a more organized and enjoyable space for everyone. An extensive suite of software and platforms can often do the opposite, and that’s why making your essential tools work in tandem is so important. 

SharePoint is a popular solution for managing communal files, content, and intranet sites across businesses. Our community asked for a SharePoint integration with Wrike to enable practical file sharing, and create a streamlined workflow for managing digital assets. 

Now it’s possible to attach your SharePoint resources to Wrike in a few simple steps. How this will transform your everyday workflows will vary, but here’s what some of our customers had to say about the integration and how it solves some of their most common pain points. 

Connect and sync documentsConnect and sync documents

“The value of a SharePoint integration is the ability to link SharePoint documents in Wrike so that the file is in SharePoint, but we can interact with it as if it’s hosted on Wrike.”

A common issue for teams is the lack of clear structure when storing and saving digital assets, often causing blockers and delays. Many enterprises use SharePoint as a central storage system for all shared company documents to alleviate this issue. 

Now, you can create an active link within Wrike to a document hosted in SharePoint. This allows direct access to the SharePoint file from within the relevant Wrike task, project, or folder. By linking to the hosted file in SharePoint (rather than creating a copy of that document), users can be confident they’re always accessing the latest version of the file. 

Any edits or changes made to files update in SharePoint instantly, so say goodbye to several versions of the same document floating around various teams. Users can also interact with the live document in other ways within Wrike, including using our proofing and approvals features (which can currently be used for PDFs and images). 

Instant access to filesInstant access to files

“We use OneDrive for personal files, and SharePoint is for groups and projects. If someone leaves the company and we close their OneDrive account, the links are broken and important files are inaccessible.”

SharePoint improves accessibility for the documents, content, and files that enterprises need to do their best work. 

Many of our customers noted that they used OneDrive to work on personal projects and documents that aren’t ready to be shared companywide. SharePoint is a gateway to all the collaborative documents that have been shared across the business. By attaching SharePoint files to Wrike, you’ll have instant access to all your shared work, resulting in increased efficiency and a more collaborative approach to asset management. 

By connecting SharePoint files instead of OneDrive documents to Wrike tasks, there’ll be no broken links or lost content due to files being deleted or stored within closed OneDrive accounts. The integration connects the dots between file management and project management in a meaningful and productive way. 

Manage internal contentManage internal content

“SharePoint is a must for enterprise. Simply implementing an ’Attach from SharePoint’ selection in the attach menu would allow users to set the SharePoint location for the team. Without this feature, we cannot organize documents concerning the project in a meaningful way.”

The Wrike and SharePoint integration bridges the gap between file sharing and task management within Wrike. You can now browse the groups, sites, folders, and files shared with you or created by you in SharePoint from within the Wrike interface. 

Users no longer need to leave the Wrike interface, sift through SharePoint folders, and then return to Wrike to share their content. When you click “Attach from SharePoint,” you’ll see all your SharePoint resources and you’ll be able to create an active link to those files or folders from within your task or project on Wrike.

The integration enhances the functionality of file management in Wrike and reduces the need to manually locate or update SharePoint folders as a project develops or completes. 

Try the new Wrike and SharePoint integration

The SharePoint integration is now live for all Wrike users. Our product team is dedicated to increasing this integration’s functionality, so keep an eye out on our community pages for further updates. For a more detailed insight into our SharePoint tool, you can set up a call with us. Our team would be happy to help you explore this exciting new feature. 

If you’re new to Wrike, you’re welcome to start a free trial and explore the capabilities of our platform and the Sharepoint integration for yourself. Wrike also integrates with Microsoft Office 365 and Teams, which means you can create a consolidated digital workspace that incorporates all your most essential tools. 

This launch was made possible by you, our amazing Wrike community, who informed us of what we needed to do to improve our platform. If you ever have a burning desire for a Wrike feature that would enhance the way you work, please let us know, and we’ll do everything we can to make your Wrike vision a reality!

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